How much is enough Tweeting?

Recently I read this article on How much is enough Tweeting?, > How Often to Post to Facebook, Twitter, so decided I’d give you my 2 cent’s worth. If it wouldn’t take so much time I’d look up and see when I joined Twitter, my first stab at Social media. Let’s say 2007. As you all remember doing, I “suffered” through the initial stage of needing 1800 followers so I could follow 2000. Then it was off to the races, following those who followed me and doing ONE RT per follower. (IF they had one). Heaven knows why some people join Twitter and do not Tweet. It makes us all different.

By April 2014 I had 9,000 followers. I noted this milestone to see how long it will take to add 1,000 more and reach 10,000. See @FranchiseMall

Each Friday I #FF all the Notifications for the past week. Each Friday I #FF 10% of my list of franchisers’ Twitter accounts. So they are exposed to @FranchiseMall about 5 times a year inadvertantly. Some of them RT. Some of them go to their accounts on Some of them contact us to say their account needs adjusting EXCELLENT! That’s what we want. Interaction. Feedback. EXPOSURE.

We subscribe to Google alerts for franchise news. We post relevant news to accounts on We Tweet that news to the franchisor’s Twitter page where available and post it to Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+. We get many RT’s from our followers (Notifications) as many of them know that interaction is a win, win.

This works for us.  Your winning combination will be different, when you find it.

So, How much is enough Tweeting?

To each his/her own. I see many who Tweet every time they scratch their head.
>Too often ! I see those that do not Tweet at all, just have an account >Not enough.

Here I’ve shown you the balance that works for me. What works for you will be different.
It’s kind of a common sense thing.




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